
Thanking All Our Great Landowners ,That makes our trails Possible With no landowners We Have No Trails

Sleds of Stafford Membership is on website under Join Now .

.As always, join where you ride

The Sleds of Stafford Snowmobile Club is a local organization run by members to help the snowmobile community. The goal of the club is to provide education for our members, and provide a trail system that is safe, legal and fun for all that ride on it.

We are funded by Sponsor donations, Membership fees, Fund raisers, and NYS Trail Grant Money. The labor is all volunteer work from our dedicated members, who work throughout the year to clear trails, mark them for safety, staff fund raisers and educational classes, and to obtain permission from private landowners to allow snowmobilers access to their property.

We strive to achieve the best possible experience for all those involved including land owners, sponsors and members.

2-10-25 Sleds of Stafford trails are Open with marginal snow covered very Icy conditions we should have the gates open soon .This evening at 6 pm 2/10/2025. The club wanted to get land owners opinion on opening trails to make sure they would be okay with it. Remember to respect and thank the land owners that welcome us to use there land to ride. Trail to the Tiny Piney is Closed and Perry rd is NOT a trail

Sleds of Stafford meeting is tomorrow night 2-5-25 7:30 ,at Our Groomer Barn ,it’s not to late to join

Sleds of Stafford trails as 2/2/25 are CLOSED due to the lack of Snowfall and the rain we had on Friday,The pictures below are from today 10:00 am trail check

The Sleds of Stafford Trails are Closed as of 1-21-25 ,we got some Snow , After Saturday warm up and the Fields are Blown Bare . Bw’s reported grass is showing so stay South Some of our trails got 1-4 “ snow coverage .Trail To The Tiny Piney is Closed

The Sleds of Stafford Trails are Closed as of 1-14-25, we got some Snow and the Fields are Blown Bare . Bw’s reported grass is showing so stay South .

There will be no regular meeting on January 1st. The next regular meeting will be January 8th at 7:30pm.

December Meeting is December 4 2024,at 7:30, at the groomer barn Come and Join Trails will open January 2 2025 if we have 5″ of snow .

Our Trails Condition will be posted here and on our Facebook page. Check out our trails on the NYSSA website.

Join Today!

Printable version of the 2024-25 Membership Application

Join Today! We are always accepting new members. You may join online or print and mail your application. Show your support for our trail system and help keep the trails open. Without your support in the Club, these trails will not be possible.

(You will be re-directed to NYSSA’s Website, where you can pay by credit card)

Volunteers are always needed, give an hour or a day. If you have questions on how to volunteer, please click on the Contact Us link above, or send an e-mail to the address below.

If you are a member, but have not been receiving club emails or updates, please make sure to contact us to be added to the mailing list.


Stafford Weather Forecast, NY (14143)

Thank You

Remember, the trail system is only possible with the permission of the private landowners. Thank you again to all of the landowners for helping us have a great trail system!

We would also like to thank all of our generous sponsors for helping us throughout the year with donations, help with our fundraisers, and for helping make our club possible. Be sure to check out the sponsors page, or visit any of our sponsors.